Terms & Conditions
We reserve the right to change any or all of these terms and conditions, and/or add new terms and conditions at any time. When we do so, we will make a new copy of these available on our website. Your continued use of our website will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of such changes.
The festival ticket is sold by Deni Play on the Plains Limited (‘the organiser’s). This ticket (wristband) is to be sold subject to the terms and conditions.
Wristbands are non-refundable and non-transferrable and must be purchased from the organisers authorised ticketing agency Oztix.
It is your responsibility to notify Oztix if your postal address changes for mail out of wristbands prior to 30 June 2025.
The organiser reserves the right not to sell tickets to any person, agent or company.
Wristbands may not be re sold, unless via the official ticket resale facility should one be made available by the organiser.
The purchaser of the wristband must ensure that the name on each ticket is correct and that ID may be asked for at the festival entry.
You are responsible for checking all festival information and ensuring you have purchased the correct tickets for the festival. No refunds will be processed if you make an error in relation to your ticket purchase.
Wristbands must be worn for the duration of the festival, failure to do so may result in your eviction. Any wristbands that are removed or tampered with will be rendered invalid and will not be replaced. Damaged or defaced wristbands will not be accepted.
Damaged wristbands may be replaced at ticketing on arrival for a fee of $20. Proof of ID and damaged wristband must be presented for replacement otherwise a new wristband at the current price will need to be purchased.
Wristbands purchased for children aged under 18 years of age (minors) can only be purchased with an adult wristband.
Children Under 13 are admitted free and will be issued with an Under 13 wristband which must be worn. Parent or adult guardian must provide proof of age of the Under 13 if requested.
Saturday Only entry means a wristband for access and entry into the festival arena to attend the festival for the designated date. Saturday Only wristband holders may enter at any time on the designated date and must leave the festival site at the end of the final scheduled musical performance of the program for the same designated date. For avoidance of doubt, Saturday Only entry does not include any access to any of the Campgrounds.
The Deni Ute Muster (“the festival”) will not be cancelled due to adverse weather except on the advice of emergency services in extreme conditions in which case no refund or exchange will be given on wristbands.
The organisers are providers of recreational services and activities as defined under the Civil Liability Act. You are aware and acknowledge that the festival site contains all manner of obstacles, risks and dangers both known and unknown which may result in loss or damage to your property, personal injury or death. You choose to come onto the festival site at your own risk and to the full extent permitted by law, you release and indemnify the organisers, its agents, employees and volunteers from and against any claim or liability of any nature in relation to injury or death, from you or any third party which might arise from entry to or the use of the festival site by you and any accompanying persons and or minors regardless of how the damage, injury or death is sustained or caused.
The organiser reserves the right to amend, vary or change the line-up of the festival at any time which may include replacing or substituting headline artists or other artists. The festival programming is subject to change at any time without notice.
Tickets will not be refunded due to non-appearance of any particular artist or band at the festival.
CCTV Cameras are operational over the festival.
Personal digital cameras are permitted at the festival. SLR cameras are permitted but professional photography equipment (e.g. telephoto lenses; any lens over 20cm; any detachable lens) is not permitted without organiser-issued media accreditation. Festival staff will determine in their discretion whether permitted only on the basis that:
- Images are only used for private and professional use; and
- Images cannot be made available for sale and/or public display.
Recording or filming the festival is strictly prohibited.
The organisers reserve the right to confiscate and/or delete any footage, recordings and/or photos created by unauthorised or prohibited recording, filming or photography.
You consent to be included in film and sound recordings of the festival and for these recordings to be used by the organisers in any medium or context without further authorisation by or compensation to you.
In the event of injury or illness the organiser may, at the cost of the patron, arrange medical treatment and/or emergency evacuation as deemed necessary for the safety of the patron.
You are responsible for your own property. There is no storage available at the festival site.
Vehicles brought into the Camp Areas (Reserved, Volunteer, Family, Ute) are not permitted to leave and return under any circumstances until the festival is over. Vehicles are not permitted to be driven around the Camp Areas for any reason.
Breach of this condition may result in your eviction from the Festival Site for the remainder of the Festival. If you are evicted for breach of this condition you will not be entitled to any refund for your Festival Ticket or Camp Site Ticket.
NSW Road Rules Apply – In NSW, it is a crime to either drive or ‘attempt to put a vehicle in motion’ while occupying the driver seat if under the influence of alcohol or prohibit drug.
No extreme modifications to vehicles that do not meet NSW road rules. Vehicles may not be modified once on site. No unsafe use of vehicles allowed in camp areas.
Buses will be operating in and out of town, please check your festival guide, website or APP for the bus timetable.
Alternatively, there will be a carpark located outside of the festival site where vehicles may be left and patrons enter via foot with their camping gear. Please note search conditions will apply.
Bicycles/Scooters (non-motorised only), as per NSW Road Laws helmets must be worn at all times and a maximum speed of 10km (walking pace). Bicycles/Scooters are not allowed into the festival arena
No swimming in channels or waterways within the festival site.
Possession, sale or use of illicit substances is strictly prohibited at the festival and on site. Any person found with illegal drugs or illicit substances in their possession will be removed from the site and subject to Police action.
For safety and other reasons, some parts of the site are not open as part of the venue, patrons must not enter fenced off areas or areas to which access is denied.
Please help to keep our site and your campsite clean, place all rubbish in bins and take all items with you when you leave.
The organisers will not be responsible for any property left on the site and may recover the cost of removal and return to patron’s address.
Whips are to be used at your own risk and sensibly.
The organisers may refuse you entry into or remove you from the festival if you
(a) do not obey these terms and conditions
(b) refuse to allow the organisers to inspect bags, containers and vehicles at the festival
(c) if you disrupt the festival
(d) if you interfere with the enjoyment, comfort or safety of other persons at the festival.
(e) if you have acquired a stolen or counterfeit wristband.
If you are evicted from the festival/festival site or denied entry to the festival/festival site, you will not be entitled to any wristband refund and or compensation.
Patrons must not cause damage to, improperly use, remove or tamper with any festival site facility, event infrastructure, seating, toilets, furniture, vehicles, pipes, lighting, taps/fittings, electrical equipment, wiring, signage or enter any onsite bodies of water at the festival site. Patrons must not remove or attempt to remove any item or object from the festival site or surrounding area.
Patrons may be removed from the Festival Site, Festival Arena, Camp Areas (Reserved, Volunteer, Family, Ute) if, in the opinion of the Organiser, they behave or act in a threatening or inappropriate manner, including without limitation, any aggressive, riotous, abusive, offensive, racist, sexist or insulting actions towards other patrons.
You are not permitted to display trading signs or protest banners or paraphernalia or anything deemed offence in the opinion of the organisers on the Festival Site or in the Camp Areas. This includes signage inciting other patrons to act in inappropriate behaviour.
Patrons will be subject to prosecution for committing any offences within the festival site by New South Wales Police.
Patrons accept full liability and responsibility for any loss or damage caused in contravention of this clause or any other term of these Terms and Conditions.
It is a condition of entry to the festival site and festival arena that a search of you and your possessions and or vehicle be conducted. If you do not consent to such searches, you may be denied entry to the festival site and festival arena without refund.
It is a condition of entry into the festival arena that all patrons submit to being searched. This may include pat down of persons and physical inspection of bags and containers.
Non-alcoholic drinks taken into the festival arena must be unopened/sealed.
Unsealed empty plastic water bottles (no metal, glass or aluminium bottles) are allowed into the festival arena, these can be filled up at the free water stations.
Umbrellas and shade structures are not permitted into the festival arena.
Push bikes/Scooters are not permitted into the festival arena.
Activities such as moshing, crowd surfing, climbing and stage diving are strictly prohibited. Patrons engaging in these, or other dangerous activities will be removed from the festival arena.
Children under 16 years must be always accompanied by a parent or adult guardian at the entry gates and whilst at the festival or campgrounds.
Children 16 years or older do not need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian to enter or whilst they are in the festival arena.
Children under 18 years are not permitted to camp at the festival site unless they are camping with a parent or guardian. ID and proof of age must be provided if requested.
Patrons wishing to purchase and or consume alcohol must be 18 years and over and have valid photographic ID. Anyone found supplying or buying alcohol for a minor will be evicted from the event & may face criminal charges. Any minor found consuming or in possession of alcohol face similar action.
You must follow the reasonable directions of festival personnel as required.
Family and Ute Camping – Free with ticket purchase. If you wish to camp together with friends or family, make sure you all enter together.
No roping off areas permitted.
Unless advertised or permission granted by festival personnel, no pedestrian or vehicle entry to the campgrounds is permitted before 8.00a.m. on Thursday 2nd October 2025.
All vehicles entering the Reserved Camping areas must have the appropriate valid Reserved Camping vehicle pass displayed on their windscreen.
Vehicles brought into the Camp Areas (Reserved, Volunteer, Family, Ute) are not permitted to leave and return under any circumstances until the festival is over. Vehicles are not permitted to be driven around the Camp Areas for any reason.
No extreme modifications to vehicles that do not meet NSW road rules. Vehicles may not be modified once on site. No unsafe use of vehicles allowed on site/camp areas.
No noise is permitted in the Camp Areas (Reserved, Volunteer, Family, Ute) after 12:00 midnight (AEST). You acknowledge and agree that organisers may ask you to leave the camp areas if there is noise from your camp area after 12.00 midnight (AEST). Noise includes, power generators excessive loud music, Ute revving (also note NSW road rules and starting vehicle under the influence of alcohol).
There is no potable water in the camping areas, it is advised to bring your own.
Patrons must vacate the site/camping areas by 2.00pm on Sunday 5th October 2025.
- BBQ (Liquid fuel containers including gas bottles are not permitted in the Ute Paddock).
- Wood – it must be under 60cm x 30cm for your own small campfire which must be contained in a drum (excessive fire wood will be confiscated)
- Camping gear
- Food, water and soft drink (strictly no glass)
- Fire drum (1/2 x 44 gallon or less)
- Generators – Please be mindful of your neighbours when in use.
- Alcohol – Every adult patron camping on site can bring one only (for the entire festival) slab/box/carton to a maximum of 30 cans of beer or pre-mix spirits or 4L cask of wine into the camping area. Purchasing additional alcohol and transporting onto site via buses, taxi’s and private vehicles is not permitted and will be seized and not returned. This is one of the above for the entire festival not one per day. No Glass
Prohibited Items will be confiscated and not returned, with no exceptions.
Prohibited Items include but are not limited to:-
- Firearms and ammunition.
- Glass
- Butane gas canisters and burners
- Liquid fuel containers such as kerosene, petrol, diesel and gas bottles, other than those allowed in purpose-built RVs, caravans and campervans that have been certified and fitted (Liquid fuel containers including gas bottles are not permitted in the Ute Paddock).
- Illicit substances
- Fireworks, flares or explosives
- Unregistered vehicles, vehicles with a permit or any vehicles that the organisers/event staff believe to be unroadworthy.
- Household furniture, vehicle parts or excess tyres
- Pools(inflatable pools, plunge pools, spa pools etc.).
- Structures built on site in camping area
- Weapons including but not limited to: shovels, knives, axes, chainsaws
- Anti-social behaviour
- Beer funnels or bongs
- Drones or any other remote control devices
- Flammable liquids (container/jerry cans with flammable liquids will be confiscated)
- Projectiles or explosives in solid, liquid or gas form.
- Paint cans or spray paint cans
- Nitrous oxide bulbs and cannisters
- Wood over the allowed size of 60cm x 30cm
- Fireworks and flares are prohibited and will be confiscated on entry, anyone caught lighting fireworks and flares will be evicted.
- Animals are not permitted at the Festival Site or Campgrounds. Assistance animals (such as guide, hearing and assistance dogs) that have been trained to assist a person with a disability, to alleviate effects of that disability; and have been trained and certified or accredited and registered are permitted. The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry to any dog that is declared a dangerous dog or a restricted breed, has an infectious disease or poses a threat to public health or the health of other animals. Please contact office – 03 5881 3388 for further clarification.
- Whips are not to be used in the festival arena unless part of the whip cracking demonstration/championships.
Any other object the organisers decide could be dangerous or disruptive to the event or other patrons, this is up to their discretion.
If it is important to you and on the prohibited list don’t bother bringing it to the festival, as it will not be returned.
Privacy Policy
Deni Play on the Plains Festival Limited is committed to excellent service and this policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your Personal Information.
We have adopted the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). The NPPs govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure and dispose of your Personal Information.
A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at www.aoic.gov.au
What is Personal Information and why do we collect it?
Personal Information is information that identifies an individual.
Examples of Personal Information we collect include: names, addresses, email addresses, phone and facsimile numbers. This Personal Information is obtained in many ways including via our websites www.deniutemuster.com.au, www.playontheplains.com.au, correspondence, by telephone, by email, from media and publications, from other publicly available sources, from cookies and from third parties. We don’t guarantee website links or policy of authorised third parties.
We collect your Personal Information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you, providing information to our clients and marketing. We may also use your Personal Information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. You may unsubscribe from our mailing/marketing lists at any time by contacting us in writing.
When we collect Personal Information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it.
Sensitive Information
Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things as an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.
Sensitive information will be used by us only:
• For the primary purpose for which it was obtained
• For a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose
• With your consent; or where required or authorised by law.
Third Parties
Where reasonable and practicable to do so, we will collect your Personal Information only from you. However, in some circumstances we may be provided with information by third parties. In such a case we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are made aware of the information provided to us by the third party.
Disclosure of Personal Information
Your Personal Information may be disclosed in a number of circumstances including the following:
third parties where you consent to the use or disclosure; and
where required or authorised by law.
Security of Personal Information
Your Personal Information is stored in a manner that reasonably protects it from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
When your Personal Information is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was obtained, we will take reasonable steps to destroy your Personal Information. However, most of the Personal Information is or will be stored in files which will be kept by us for a minimum of 7 years.
Access to your Personal Information You may access the Personal Information we hold about you and to update and/or correct it, subject to certain exceptions. If you wish to access your Personal Information, please contact us in writing.
Deni Play on the Plains Festival Limited will not charge any fee for your access request.
In order to protect your Personal Information we may require identification from you before releasing such information.
Maintaining the Quality of your Personal Information
It is an important part of providing our services to you that your Personal Information is up to date. We will take reasonable steps to make sure that your Personal Information is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
It is important that you advise us at the earliest opportunity of any changes to your Personal Information so that our records can be updated.
Policy Updates
This Policy may change from time to time. Deni Play on the Plains Festival Limited Privacy Policy is available on our website.
You can lodge a complaint with us about any breach of our Privacy Policy and our privacy obligations to you by contacting us.
Privacy Policy Enquiries
If you have any queries about our Privacy Policy please contact our office:
8235 Conargo Rd
Deniliquin NSW 2710 Tel: 03 58813388 E-mail : info@deniutemuster.com.au