On The Go Saftey and Workwear Tradie Challenge

This year four teams will battle it out to build the Ultimate Adventure Playground to be actioned off Saturday 11am, giving families an opportunity to check them out prior to the auction. All proceeds from the auction donated to our local Edward River Country Education fund. The winning team being crowned ‘Tradies of the Year’. The Tradie teams must consist of three individuals and must ensure that at least one team member is a competent, skilled individual/tradie that will oversee their team.
The Tradie Challenge will begin at 9.00am Friday 3rd of October and includes a short lunch break with the conclusion of the Challenge at 3.00pm. This allows each team a total of 6 hours to complete the build with a break for lunch. There will be a toolbox meeting and induction at 8.30am which all teams must attend.
The playground needs to be built to be useable and serve the purpose for child’s play, therefore must meet safety standards, and be built to a high quality to withstand the outdoor weather. All building materials and tools needed will be supplied by the Deni Ute Muster, you are welcome to bring your own tool belts. If you have any requests for additional tools please email the ATG coordinator as you can not bring in your own tools. The playground design will be up to your team, Deni Ute Muster will provide a base which your design must be built on. Please ensure it doesn’t overhang.
The following are to be considered in the design;
- Must be able to be transported on a small trailer to the new home.
- Big enough to fit a couple of children at once.
- Must have an element of shade.
- Single story and no more than 2.2m high.
- Must be functional for child’s play.
- No sharp edges or safety hazards.
- No Glass
To add further interest to the Challenge, teams will be asked to bring along up to 5 extra items (These items MUST be able to fit in a wheel barrow) of their choice to include in their design for a point of difference. These items can be anything that will enhance your design, be useful and make it stand out to the judges. Your teams addition items list must be emailed to the ATG coordinator for approval.
The winning team will walk away with $2,000 and a trophy declaring them ‘Tradies of the Year’. Judging will be based on design and workmanship.
All teams walk away with prize money with 2nd scoring $1000, and 3rd and 4th teams both receiving $500.
To enter the Tradie Challenge, fill out the application below.
Deni Ute Muster staff will review all entries and pick the top four teams alerting successful entrants by the end of June. Applications will be considered based on the team’s creativeness and ability to draw a crowd. The four successful teams will be provided with further information and details closer to the Challenge.
Any questions please contact Ellen on 03 5881 3388.
Applications close once all positions are filled.